Saturday, October 10, 2015

Project Conditions and Process

project 2 art of the project
for this project,  I decided to go in a direction that is very much inspired by the magical ship Skíðblaðnir in Norse mythology. It can hold a large group of people, sail any sea, fly any sky, and fold up into one’s pocket, as if it were a handkerchief. I have long wanted to fold 1,000 cranes to achieve one wish, granted by a crane in an ancient Japanese legend, as well. I decided to use this project as an opportunity to fold these cranes and use my wish on two of my greatest desires: sailing and flight. Simultaneously, I am working in the studio on a creative fusion of the paper crane and Skíðblaðnir. I realized that drawing on legends from two very different ancient cultures could be confusing, so I decided that the final product may not have any actual mention on the influence of Skíðblaðnir (to be determined, willing to accept some input from everyone).
1.       create unrealistic ambitions for yourself
a.       earn a wish(sail any sea and fly any sky), granted by a crane, by folding 1,000 paper cranes (based on an ancient Japanese legend)
2.       create severe constraints for yourself
a.       make a minimum of 50 cranes per day over the next two weeks
b.      keep count
3.       work in the world
a.       make cranes where ever I go, where ever I am
4.       create participations between subject and environment
a.       cranes: incorporating them into daily life in order to achieve the wish
b.       any sea and any sky
5.       create “small assignments” for yourself along the way
a.       my first assignment is to count the # of cranes I have folded already, create a chart/counting system, and share that on the blog
b.      fold as many as possible in one sitting (to exhaustion) and record it; present this in the final product as x-amount to x-amount (For example, 437-499 is the title of a video documenting me folding # 437-99)
c.       while folding cranes, work in the studio and woodshop on inventing a new crane design inspired greatly by the idea of Skíðblaðnir

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